Brodie won an ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Travel Award to present at the Denver ACS meeting.
Prof. McElwee-White won the Southern Chemist Award from the ACS Memphis Section.
Hannah joined the group.
Chloe joined the group.
Congrats to Johnathon for winning the 2024 Gator Gallop at UF Homecoming!
Congrats to Rashmi for passing her preliminary oral!
Congrats to Bishwa for winning 2nd place poster at the Florida Inorganic and Materials Symposium!
Erik started his job at Amaratek
Prof. McElwee-White was elected Councilor by the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry.
Summer 2024
Congrats to Erik for winning a Howard and Brenda Sheridan Summer Fellowship!
Prof. McElwee-White won the Paul G. Gassman Distinguished Service Award from the ACS Division of Organic Chemistry.
Congrats to Erik for finishing his Ph.D!
Emma went to Ireland for a summer internship.
Rashmi is at UT Dallas to do experiments in Prof. Amy Walker’s lab.
Spring 2024
Congrats to Johnathon for winning the ACS Bridge Travel & Professional Development Award!
Congrats to Johnathon for winning an ACS DIC Travel award for the New Orleans ACS meeting!
Congrats to Nikita for winning the Best Overall Poster Presentation Award at the FLAVS meeting!
Congrats to Narendar for winning 1st place poster in the Thin Films/3-D Materials division at the FLAVS meeting!
Fall 2023
Bhumika joined the group.
Delawar joined the group.
Tatsuya arrived as a visiting scholar from JSR.
Congratulations to Ian for finishing his PhD.
Summer 2023
Congrats to Ian for winning a Tarrant Summer Graduate Research Fellowship!
Congrats to Atul for winning a Steven M. Scott and Rebecca J. Scott Summer Fellowship!
Spring 2023
Brodie joined the group
Congrats to Atul for winning an ACS DIC Travel award for the Indianapolis ACS meeting!
Fall 2022
Tyler started his job at nanoComposix.
Alex joined the group.
Nikita, Narender, Nariman, and Anjali joined the group.
Congrats to Jonah for winning the undergrad poster prize at the FIMS conference!
Summer 2022
Elie and Jonah joined the group.
Congrats to Nick on his wedding!
Jo-Chi is starting her new position at intel.
Sam has headed off to start her PhD at Emory.
Giacomo has headed off to start his PhD at Boston University.
Congrats to Ian for winning an ACS Division of Inorganic Travel Grant for his talk at the Chicago ACS meeting this fall!
Ammar joined the group.
Congrats to Tyler for graduating with his M.S. degree!
Spring 2022
Oz joined the group.
Congrats to Sam for winning the ACS Undergraduate Award in Organic Chemistry!
Congrats to Jo-Chi for finishing her PhD!
Congrats to Sam, Jessica and Giacomo for graduating with their BS degrees!
The group has new funding from the Semiconductor Research Corporation to study area selective deposition using PACVD.
Fall 2021
Congrats to Hanwen for finishing his Ph.D.!
Chris has started his postdoc in the Castellano group at NC State.
Taehoon has started his job at LG.
Rhea, Anas and Giacomo joined the group.
Rashmi and Xin joined the group.
Congrats to Johnathon for winning the 2021 Gator Gallop at UF Homecoming!
Atul joined the group.
Congratulations to Sam for winning the Keaffaber Scholar Award!
Summer 2021
M. Alderman has headed to Canada to start grad school at Carleton University.
Congrats to Chris and Taehoon for finishing their PhDs!
Spring 2021
Sam, Jessica and Adrián joined the group.
Congratulations to Jo-Chi for winning an ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Student Travel Award for her presentation at the Spring ACS meeting!
Bishwa joined the group.
Congratulations to our spring graduates: Thu, Nick, M. Alderman and Nichelle!
Congrats to Nick on his successful defense of his Honors Thesis!
Fall 2020
Congrats to Chris and his cat Porkchop for winning the photo contest at the fall AVS meeting!
Johnathon joined the group.
Saleh joined the group as a visitor from Pakistan.
Congrats to Chris for winning one of the AVS National Awards, the 2020 Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman Scholarship!
Summer 2020
We’re back in the lab doing science!
Congratulations to Hanwen on the birth of his daughter Summer!
Professor McElwee-White was invited to comment on science during the pandemic: “Checking in with Women Materials Scientists During a Global Pandemic: May 2020,” Buonsanti, R.; Buriak, J; Cabana, L.; Cossairt, B.; Dasog, M.; Dehnen, S.; Dempsey, J.; Koziej, D.; Grace, A. N.; McElwee-White, L.; Thomas, C.; Yang, J., Chem. Mater.2020, 32, 4859-4862.
Spring 2020
Congratulations to Will for finishing his PhD!
Chris won a Tarrant Summer Graduate Research Fellowship.
Nate started his job at Intel.
Congratulations to Nick for being named a CLAS Scholar
Zahra returned to finish her PhD at UF
Fall 2019
Congratulations to Nate for finishing his PhD!
Congratulations to Hang for finishing her PhD!
Tyler joined the group
Summer 2019
Xiaoming is starting her new job at Nanometrics.
Michelle’s paper on in situ Raman of intermediates during tungsten carbonitride CVD was named a “Very Important Paper” by the European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry
Nichelle joined the group
Spring 2019
Congratulations to Chandler and Olivia for graduation
Congrats to Chris for winning the Graduate Student Teaching Award presented by the UF Graduate School.
Professor McElwee-White won the 2019 Herty Medal. The award will be presented in Atlanta in September.
We’re all headed to the Orlando ACS meeting and we have lots of travel awards: Nate (Office of Research), Chris (Graduate Student Council and Office of Research), Will (Graduate Student Council), and Hang (Graduate Student Council).
Congratulations to Xiaoming for finishing her PhD!
Congratulations to Chris for winning the Graduate School Mentoring Award!
Nate got a summer internship at Micron.
Kelsea’s paper (Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 5644-5656) was named to the 2018 HOT articles list by Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.
Fall 2018
Professor McElwee-White won the Francis P. Garvan-John M. Olin Medal. This ACS National Award will be presented at the Spring ACS Meeting in Orlando.
Nick and Jackie joined the group.
Erik, Ian and Courtney joined the group.
Tim received the 2018 Townes Randolph Leigh Prize.
Michelle is the new Chemistry Liaison Librarian at the Marston Science Library.
Summer 2018
Congrats to Jessica for winning the Royal Society of Chemistry Certificate of Excellence.
Duane is headed to his new position at Lam Research.
Persi arrived from Maastricht University for a summer internship.
Spring 2018
Professor McElwee-White joined the Editorial Advisory Board for ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces.
Michelle, Alex, and Nathan published a Very Important Paper in Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.
Chris received two travel awards from the UF Graduate Student Council and the UF Office of Research to present at the New Orleans ACS meeting.
Will received three travel awards from the UF College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, the UF Graduate Student Council, and Oakwood Chemical to present at the New Orleans ACS meeting.
Nate received two travel awards from the UF Office of Research and Synquest to present at the New Orleans ACS meeting.
Michelle is giving an invited presentation in the LGBT Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar symposium at the New Orleans ACS meeting.
Nathan and his team got their NSF proposal funded to support the Spring 2018 ACS National Meeting Graduate Student Symposium, “Finding Our Place at the Bottom: A Symposium in Memory of Richard Feynman.” And the symposium was great!
Congrats to Nathan, Michelle and Duane on finishing their PhDs!
Xiaoming won the Tarrant Summer Graduate Research Scholarship.
Nathan was one of the two winners of the Graduate Student Council Award for Outstanding Graduate Students.
Jessica graduated and is headed for the PhD program at the University of Michigan.
Congrats to Nathan, Michelle and Duane for finishing their PhDs.
Nathan is headed to Stanford for his postdoctoral position.
Fall 2017
Professor McElwee-White became Chair, Department of Chemistry.
Alex won the 2017 ACS Inorganic Division Undergraduate Award.
Chris won the Grad Student Excellence in Teaching Award for general chemistry discussion.
Chris won the AVS Dorothy M. and Earl S. Hoffman Travel Grant to present his work at the AVS 64th International Symposium & Exhibition in Tampa. This will be supplemented by a second travel award from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.
First year grad students Tim Dunn, Frank Schreffler and Jo-Chi Yu joined the group.
Undergrads Matthew Alderman and Thu Kim joined the group.
We swept the undergrad poster awards at the Florida Inorganic and Materials Symposium. Congrats to Olivia (1st place) and Jessica (2nd place)!
Chris won an EMPD Poster Award at the AVS meeting in Tampa.
Congrats to Chris, Nate and Will for passing their preliminary orals.
Summer 2017
Zahra arrived as a visitor from Pakistan.
Congratulations to Costin and Alex for graduating.
Alex will be attending UC Santa Barbara for graduate school in the fall.
Costin accepted a position with Anheuser-Busch in Jacksonville.
Congrations to Costin on his marriage to Alina!
Chris won the First Place Graduate Poster Award at the 93rd annual FAME Meeting.
Jessica received the International Research Experience for Undergraduates award from the University of Florida and will be working with Rodrigue Lescouëzec at the Pierre and Marie Curie University for the summer.
Spring 2017
Congratulations to Nathan and his team! Their committee’s proposal was accepted to organize the Spring 2018 ACS National Meeting Graduate Student Symposium. The current working title of their symposium is “Finding Our Place at the Bottom: A Symposium in Memory of Richard Feynman.”
Prof. McElwee-White co-organized a symposium on “Deposition and Etching of Nanostructures” for the San Francisco ACS meeting. The co-organizers are Profs. Howard Fairbrother (Johns Hopkins) and Amy Walker (UT Dallas). The symposium will run for three days in the Divisions of Inorganic Chemistry and Colloid and Surface Science.
Hang, Nathan, and Xiaoming won travel awards from the UF Office of Research to present at the San Francisco ACS meeting.
Michelle is giving an invited talk in the LGBT Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar symposium at the San Francisco ACS meeting.
Scott Matsuda joined the group.
Fall 2016
Olivia Hawkins, Jessica Tami and Chandler Haines joined the group.
Congratulations to Xiaoming for winning 1st prize in the graduate student poster contest at the FIMS meeting!
Congratulations to Alex for winning the Keaffaber Scholar Award!
Hanwen (Kevin) Liu joined the group.
We became a partner in the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network ELENA (Low energy ELEctron driven chemistry for the advantage of emerging NAno-fabrication methods), which was funded by the European Commission Horizon 2020 program.
Summer 2016
Emel Yildiz returned as a visiting scholar.
Professor McElwee-White is now an Affiliate Professor of UF Chemical Engineering.
Duane recieved an Office of Research Travel Award and a Graduate Student Council Grant to present at the Philadelphia ACS meeting.
Congrats to Kelsea and Arijit for graduating!
Kelsea has accepted a position at Qualcomm.
Arijit has accepted a postdoctoral research position with Prof. Ian Tonks at the University of Minnesota.
Spring 2016
Congratulations to Arijit on his wedding to Sweta!
Jay McDaniel will be attending graduate school at UCLA starting this fall.
Jakub won a travel award from the UF Office of Research to present at the San Diego ACS meeting.
Alex won a research funding award from the UF University Scholars Program.
Michelle won the Ann R. Stasch Summer Fellowship.
Fall 2015
Anthony Kanowitz and Jay McDaniel joined the group.
Jay won a University Scholars Program award for undergraduate research.
Michelle and Kelsea received teaching awards from the department.
Chris Brewer, Will Carden, and Nathan Ou joined the group.
Summer 2015
Jennifer Johns has accepted a position at Chattem Chemicals.
Congrats to Phil and Abby on the birth of their son, Nate!
Congratulations to Yung-Chien for graduating!
Richard Bonsu and Yung-Chien Wu have accepted positions at Intel.
Spring 2015
Prof. McElwee-White was named the Colonel Allan R. and Margaret G. Crow Professor of Chemistry.
Nathan won an ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Student Travel Award to present his work at the Denver ACS meeting.
Joseph has accepted a position as Assistant Professor at Walla Walla University.
Keisha Hylton-Rodic has started her own law firm specializing in intellectual property. See
Alex has been named a 2015 Provost’s BSP/Beckman Scholar.
Randall McClain has started a postdoctoral research position at the Naval Air Warfare Center, China Lake.
Kevin Hamlin and Paul Mathieu joined the group.
Congratulations to Richard for graduating!
Fall 2014
Xiaoming Su and Hang Lu joined the group.
Richard won an ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Student Travel Award to present his work at the San Francisco ACS meeting.
Ramasamy Pothiraja has accepted a faculty position at Bharathidasan University and will start in April 2015.
Ying Yang has accepted a new position at Pacific Biosciences.
Congratulations to Joseph for graduating.
Summer 2014
Emel Yildiz arrived as a visiting scholar.
Ciera has taken a position with Adesis, Inc.
Nathan was a finalist in the Jones Award competition.
Jakub Pedziwiatr joined the group.
Spring 2014
Professor McElwee-White was featured in February on the ACS Organic Division’s website for their Eminent Organic Chemists, The Human Side:
Jenny Johns is teaching at the Canterbury School in Ft. Myers.
Congratulations to group alums who will be starting Assistant Professor positions this fall: Ampofo Darko at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville and Sarah Goforth at Campbell University.
Congratulations to Joseph and Maira on their new daughter, Isabella!
Congratulations to Randall for graduating.
Fall 2013
Congratulations to Jenny for graduating.
Randall won a CLAS Dissertation Fellowship for the spring.
Kelsea received a teaching award from the department.
Duane Bock, James Fong, Michelle Nolan, Aerial Petty, Nathan Richey, and Alex Touchton joined the group.
Summer 2013
Congratulations to Sarah and Ciera for graduating.
Congratulations to Sarah for accepting a postdoctoral position at the University of Virginia to work with Prof. Gunnoe.
Congratulations to Jürgen and Cosima on their new daughter, Caecilia!
Elodie Castillon and Nilgün Özpozan joined the group.
Congratulations to Phil and Abby on their new son, Max!
Spring 2013
Brian Vincent joined the group.
Sarah won an ACS Division of Inorganic Chemistry Travel Award to present a poster at the New Orleans ACS meeting.
Professor McElwee-White won the Charles H. Stone Award from the Carolina-Piedmont ACS section.
Anthony Saudemont came from France as an REU student.
Fall 2012
Ciera received a teaching award from the department.
Hasan Nazir came from Turkey to work with us.
Congratulations to the newlyweds, Joseph and Maira Brannaka.
Good luck to our prior undergrads, Richard Walroth and Caroline Hoyt, as they start graduate school at Cornell and Georgia Tech!
Summer 2012
Professor McElwee-White was recognized by the University of Florida for outstanding scholarship and teaching as a 2012-2013 Colonel Allan R. and Margaret G. Crow Term Professor.
Congratulations to Christina and Patrick Hillesheim on their marriage.
Spring 2012
Jasmin Suljagic came from Bosnia to work with us.
Congratulations Seth and Molly on their new son, Wyatt Michael Dumbris.
Congratulations Keisha and her husband on their new son, Simon Hermann Rodic.
Charlotte Temple joined the group.
Fall 2011
Arijit Koley and Anna Marsakova joined the group.
Joseph received a teaching award from the department.
Summer 2011
Jenny received an ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Travel Award to present a talk at the Denver ACS meeting.
Aladdin Srour and Martin Helas came as visitors.
Lilli Carpo joined the group.
Richard Walroth received an award from HHMI to spend the summer doing research at Janelia Farm.
Chris Curran will be starting grad school at Vanderbilt in the fall.
Phil and Abby had a baby, Eleanor Violet.
Spring 2011
Marie and Christina graduated, congratulations to them both.
Lily returned to China to finish her degree.
Fall 2010
Richard Bonsu, Joseph Brannaka, Caroline Hoyt, Kelsea Johnson, and Yung-Chien Wu joined the group.
Professor McElwee-White became PI of the NSF-CCI Center for Nanostructured Electronic Materials.
Ampofo graduated.
Summer 2010
Morgan Beveridge joined the group.
Yasmina Zekri and Maxime Roche from France spent the summer with us.
Congratulations to both Jenny and Marie for receiving teaching awards.
Marie and Sarah participated in the CENTC workshop at the University of Washignton.
Professor McElwee-White was named an ACS fellow.
Li Zhang completed her year long exchange from Tongjin University.
Spring 2010
Congratulations to both Phil and Seth.
Dr. Phillip Shelton is now an Assistant Professor of Chemistry at the University of Tennessee Martin.
Dr. Seth Dumbris has taken a position with the Drug Enforcement Agency and has relocated to Maryland with his wife Molly and the new addition, Caroline Ruth Dumbris. Double congrats.
Richard Walroth joined the group
Fall 2009
Congratulations to the newlyweds, Jürgen and Cosima.
Christina Sweeney returned to the group, this time as a graduate student.
Congrats to Maggie and her husband on their newborn son Daniel.
Summer 2009
Chris Curran received the Crows Award and graduated with the highest honors. Good luck teaching in Mississippi.
Casie Hilliard received an NSF Graduate Fellowship for her work at Texas A&M.
Ampofo Darko received an ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Travel Award for the Washington ACS meeting.
Chloe Copin came form ENSSCF (France) for a summer internship.
Undergraduate Luis Vintimilla joined the group.
Spring 2009
Jenny Johns joined the group.
Professor McElwee-White won the Doctoral Dissertation Advisor/Mentoring Award. Congratulations!
Fall 2008
Ciera Gerack, Sarah Goforth, Robert Nottingham and Lucas Parvin joined the group.
Congratulations Dr. Koller! Jürgen left us for the west coast to do his postdoctoral work with Prof. Bergman at UC Berkeley.
Phil Shelton received a TA award.
Chris Curran won the undergraduate poster award at FIMS.